Published 20 Jun 2022

How qER helps UK’s largest Telerad firm Medica Group Plc



Samantha Davey, Head of Programme Delivery and David Evans, Functional Architect of Medica Group Plc spoke on adopting’s technology to support clinical professionals to ensure the best possible patient care.
Over the last 16 years, Medica has evolved to become an innovative, dynamic and progressive company supporting over 100+ NHS hospitals through teleradiology. Medica has been leading the way in connecting and supporting clinical professionals to ensure the best possible patient outcomes.
In this interview, Samantha and David explain about their thought process in bringing Artificial Intelligence into their workflows, pointers to help choose the right teleradiology provider for your NHS hospital, and how using’s solution along with ‘NightHawk’ – Medica’s emergency reporting diagnostic tool helped support the acute care environment.

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