
Applicant Privacy Policy

Version Date: 01/04/2024

This Applicant Privacy Notice (the “Notice”) sets out how Qure.ai Technologies Private Limited (including its subsidiaries and associate companies), with registered office at Level 7, Commerz II, International Business Park, Oberoi Garden City, Off. W.E. Highway, Goregaon (E) Mumbai 400063 (hereafter referred to as “Qure”, “We”, “Us”, “Our”) processes the Personal Data collected from Job Applicants (“You”/ “Your”/ “Applicant”), or that You provide to Us in connection with Our recruitment process. Please read the following carefully to understand Our views and practices regarding Your Personal Data and how We treat it. This Notice is prepared in accordance with the applicable laws.
This notice is in furtherance and supplemental to Our privacy policy which can be accessed at Our website [Qure's Privacy Policy]. We strive to treat Your personal information as safely and securely as reasonably possible. As described below, Your Personal Data may be collected and used by Us or disclosed to third parties for use on behalf of Qure on a need-to-know basis or as detailed below. This Notice describes the information We collect about You and what may happen to that information.
By applying for a position and/ or proceeding with Your candidature with Us for any job opening, either directly through Our website or through any other medium including social media platforms or in any other manner whatsoever, You acknowledge and agree to the terms described in this Notice, our website, and other related documents where You apply for a job opening via the any option of applying for a job on a job site or similar online service provider (“Partner”), or any third party vendor. You should note that the relevant Partner may retain Your Personal Data and may also collect data from Us in respect of the progress of Your application. Any use by the Partner of Personal Data will be in accordance with the Partner’s Privacy Notice. We may also use the appropriate service provider to process Your personal information as a data processor on Our behalf. We are only entitled to process Your Personal Data in accordance with Our instructions as herein under specified. A. DEFINITIONS Application: will mean application for any job/ opportunity/ position whether permanent or temporary at Qure, applied directly or indirectly through any medium whatsoever. Opportunity: refers to any job or work requirement advertised by or available with Qure; Personal data: as has been described in the point C “Collection of Information” hereunder; Sensitive Personal Data: will have the same meaning as is ascribed to it in Rule 3 of SDPI rules. B. APPLICABILITY OF THE POLICY This Notice shall be deemed to be served and its terms, conditions and assertions understood and agreed to, by any person who applies for or proceeds with his Application for any Opportunity available with Qure.ai. C. COLLECTION OF INFORMATION This policy covers the information You share with Us and/ or which may be acquired or received by Qure.ai, during the Application or recruitment process including:
  • identifiers and contact information: Your name, address, email address, telephone number/ other contact information, government ID proof(s) such as Aadhar/ PAN card/ Passport/ Voter ID card etc, photograph(s), work permit/ visa status, nationality/ citizenship, ethnicity, sex, place of birth, religion, beliefs, faith, Sensitive Personal data, or any other information by which You can be identified/ or identify yourself;
  • employment history: Your resume or CV, cover letter, previous and/ or relevant work experience or other experience, including education background, transcripts, social media profiles or any other information You provide to us in support of an Application and/ or recruitment process, details of the type of employment You are or may be looking for, current and/ or expected salary and other terms relating to compensation/ perks/ benefits etc, willingness to relocate, or other job preferences;
  • on-premises monitoring: the information collected by Us in pursuance of monitoring our offices and other workplace facilities through video monitoring.
  • miscellaneous information: a. reference information and/ or information received from background checks (wherever applicable), including information provided by third parties; b. information from interviews and phone-screenings You may have taken with Us, or any person/ organisation/ consultant/ third party appointed by us for the purpose of the job Application process, if any; c. details of how You heard/ got to know about the position You are applying for, information given by individuals who refer You or any other individual(s) who may give us Your personal information in connection with the Application. d. information relating to any previous applications You may have made to Qure.ai and/ or any previous employment history with Us; e. any other information that You voluntarily submit to us in connection with Your Application.
D. USE AND ACCESS OF THE PERSONAL DATA Subject to applicable law and consent, We may use, share, or provide access of the Personal Data in the following manner and circumstances (where applicable):
  • Internally within Qure: Your personal information may be disclosed to personnel involved in Our recruiting and hiring processes including, the team of human resources, hiring manager, finance team, other required members, or departments of the Company on a need-to-know basis or third-party administrators for recruitment or other legitimate business purposes, and: a. to process Your Application for employment, communications with You about the recruitment process and/ or Your Application, including, in appropriate cases, informing You of other potential career opportunities at Qure, tracking Application through the recruitment process, contact You or others on Your behalf for a suitable job/ references/ background check/ verification etc.; b. to assess Your skills, qualifications, and interests against our career Opportunities, c. to create and/ or submit reports as required under any applicable laws or enforceable governmental/ court requests; d. to make improvements to Our application and/ or recruitment process; e. to use Your information to protect the rights and property of Qure, our users, applicants, candidates, employees, or any other appropriate person(s) as required or permitted by law. f. for any other purpose which is permissible under the laws as applicable to Qure.
If You are offered and accept employment with Us, the information collected during the Application and recruitment process will become part of Our employment record and will be retained for as long as is necessary or may be required as per applicable laws. 2. With service providers: We may share Your personal information with service providers in connection with the provision of services including recruitment, talent acquisition and administration, technology services, background checks, where allowed by applicable law, and employment history checks. Affiliates: We may share Your personal information with affiliates under common ownership or control of Qure for purposes of recruiting or evaluating job applicants and/or candidates, resource planning, talent, and recruitment as well as other legitimate business purposes such as human resources administration and general business management and operations. 3. Your Employer or Organization or for Reference Checks: We may be required to share personal information when We contact Your previous or current employer, the person for reference mentioned in Your Application, any other person(s)/ authorities, to verify Your employment history or references.
  • Miscellaneous:
a. In any other way for the purpose of processing of the Application and in accordance with the laws for the time being in force. b. With Your consent in other ways than mentioned in this Notice if You have requested/ asked/ permitted us to do so;
E. RETENTION OF THE INFORMATION If Your Application at Qure is unsuccessful (or You withdraw from the process or decline Our offer), We may retain Your Personal Information for any opportunities that may arise in the future at Qure. We may also retain this information for various other reasons as may be permissible under applicable laws. F. RIGHTS FOR DATA PROTECTION AS PER THE LAW
As an Applicant and data subject You may have numerous rights in relation to the Personal Data. As a general practice. As part of our Notice, We intimate You of the following:
  • Right to make a subject access request (“SAR”): The Applicants may request in writing for copies of their Personal Data at anjutreesa.mathew@qure.ai .
  • Right to rectification: The Applicant may request that We rectify any inaccurate or incomplete Personal Data.
  • Right to withdraw consent: The Applicant may at any time withdraw their consent to the processing of their Personal Data carried out by Us based on their previous consent. In such an event the Applicant agrees that such withdrawal will not affect the lawfulness of any processed Personal Data based on any previous consent.
  • Right to object to processing including automated processing and profiling: By this Notice We inform you that We do not make automated decisions on Applicants.
  • Right to erasure/ be forgotten: The Applicant has the right to request erasure of their Personal Data/ or a right to be forgotten. However please note, that even in case of opt out/ exercise of right to be forgotten, We may retain some Personal Data if and as required by law or as necessary to protect ourselves from any legal claims.
  • Restriction: The Applicants can also request restriction to Our processing of their Personal Data in some circumstances.
  • Right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority: In case the Applicant has any information, questions, or complaints in relation to how we process their Personal Data, the Applicant may approach dilruba.nedumpalli@qure.ai. However, the Applicant may approach the appropriate supervisory authority in case We are unable to resolve the compliant within a reasonable time.
  • Right to data portability: In certain circumstances, data subjects may request the controller to provide a copy of their Personal Data in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format for transfer to another provider of the same or similar services. We do not consider that this right applies to our Services. However, to the extent it does, we will comply with such transfer request. Please note that a transfer to another provider does not imply erasure of the data subject’s Personal Data which may still be retained for legitimate and lawful purposes. Please note that We comply with requests as enumerated hereinabove, unless We have a compelling/ legitimate ground for rejection of such request including, a legal obligation to continue processing Your Personal Data in a certain way or retain that data for any specified period. G. REASONABLE PRECAUTIONS TO TAKE CARE OF THE SECURITY OF PERSONAL DATA We have taken all reasonable precautions in line with the industry best practices, and You can be assured that Your Personal Data is secure with Us. We understand the importance of security for all Your Personal Data and the same is of utmost concern to Us and we comply with all applicable data privacy laws. You, by applying for the job or proceeding with the Application acknowledge that:
  • there are security and privacy limitations of the Internet which are beyond Our control;
  • the security, integrity, and privacy of all information and data, exchanged between You and Us directly or through any other medium cannot be guaranteed by Us;
  • that Our responsibility in respect to Your Personal Data is limited to adopting reasonable data security practices and procedures;
  • any such information and Personal Data may be viewed or tampered with by a third party despite all reasonable precautions taken by Us;
  • the responsibility of any breach of data after putting in due safeguards shall not lie with Us;
  • You have understood and agree to all the terms in relation to capturing, storing, use, access, transfer, etc. of all data including Personal Data as mentioned in the Notice.
H. DISCLOSURE AS TO CHANGES TO THE POLICY This Notice will not form part of any potential employment contract and We may change it from time to time. Any changes to this Notice on this page will be deemed to have notified all concerned parties for all purposes. Further, each version of this Notice can be identified at the top of the page by its version date. I. GRIEVANCE OFFICER The Applicant may approach Our designated Grievance Officer to address any discrepancies, complaints and/ or grievances pertaining to the processing of Personal Data or Sensitive Personal Information. The details of the Grievance Officer are- Name: Dilruba Nedumpalli, Email Id: dilruba.nedumpalli@qure.ai. The Grievance Officer will redress the grievances of the Applicants within one (1) month from the date of receipt of the grievance along with the requisite information. J. HOW TO CONTACT US For any information/ questions regarding our use of Your Personal Data or this Notice, you may contact us at dilruba.nedumpalli@qure.ai. For further queries, please reach out to our Data protection officer (DPO) at dpo@qure.ai